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图片标签:  发布:2022-05-29  ....    来源:www.tuj8.co
此人后来果然出家,1933年入重庆郊外太虚法师所办汉藏教理院,拜某驻院喇嘛为师(In 1933, already a monk, he enrolled at T"ai-hsü"s school outside Chungking and became a disciple of a lama on the faculty)。经过三年对西藏语文和佛教教理的研习,他引起蒙藏委员会的注意,1936年被该会派到中央政治学校进修,这所学校是国民党专为培训干部而建(After three years in linguistic and religious study, he attracted the attention of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission.
In 1936 the commission assigned him to the Central Political Institute, which had been set up by the Kuomintang to train cadres)。
此人于1937年首途赴拉萨,入藏地最大寺院哲蚌寺,一住就是八年,最后考得格西学位(In 1937 he left for Lhasa, where he lived for eight years at the Drebung monastery-the largest monastery in Tibet, if not in the world-and received his geshe or doctoral degree)。他很得拉萨当局信任,将驻藏十三年的剩余岁月(十三年减八年等于五年)贡献于经营一所为西藏学童设立的小学,同时在蒙藏委员会驻藏办事处工作,扮演着喇嘛和政治专员的双重角色(Evidently he won the confidence of the Lhasa authorities, for he spent the remainder of his thirteen years there running a Chinese school they had set up for Tibetan children and at the same time working at the Lhasa office of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission, so that he continued to play the dual role of monk and political agent)。