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图片标签:  发布:2022-09-17  ....    来源:www.tuj8.co
You and your dog will be happier for it. There is no doubt that a puppy is a cuddly bundle of joy, but it is also a huge responsibility.照顾你的狗Caring for your dog所有的狗都需要日常的照顾。 这意谓适当的饮食,练习,喂养和医疗。 有在所有狗照料的方面上的许多优良的指导。 AKC"s 的狗主手册,完全养狗手册和 AKC的 狗饲养以训练全书,包含关于适当的狗的照料的资讯。我们建议你拥有一些可信的权威的参考资源.但是不要尝试是你就是你的宠屋的兽医! 所有的狗应该有计划地接受兽医检查并且接种主要的有传染性的犬齿疾病。 AKC 伴侣动物医疗计划能帮助你提供这些必要的照料。
All dogs must be cared for daily. This means proper diet, exercise, grooming and veterinary attention. There are many excellent guides on all facets of dog care. AKC"s own books, The Complete Dog Book and AKC Dog Care and Training Book, contain information on proper dog care. We recommend you have these or some other authoritative reference source available.