韩国女优名字 韩国十大美女女优排行榜
图片标签: 发布:2022-09-20 .... 来源:www.tuj8.co
李恩珠(Lee Eun-ju) 李恩珠,韩国已故女艺人。1980年12月22日出生,毕业于檀国大学戏剧电影学系。高中时,曾担任制服形像模特儿。1998年,李恩珠首次主演电视剧,在SBS电视台的《白夜3.98》演出。她多才多艺,在歌唱和舞蹈方面也有着相当的水准。其主要作品有黑白电影 《啊,秀贞》、《爱的蹦极》、《我美之梦》、《向左爱,向右爱》、《白房子》、 《天堂花园》 、《火鸟》和《红字》等。 ![韩国女优名字 韩国十大美女女优排行榜](https://imgs.tuj8.net/upload/2022/2022091922/198032100.jpg)
2005年2月22日,李恩珠在京畿道城南市盆唐区的公寓中被家人发现留下遗书后自杀。消息传来,震惊韩国演艺界。据了解,李恩珠拍完电影《红字》后,曾因剧中裸露镜头、床戏而与家人争执,这部片的票房和评价又不如预期,更让她心灰意冷,竟然走上了绝路。![韩国女优名字 韩国十大美女女优排行榜](/images/loading.gif)
Lee Eun-ju (1980-2005) was known as one of the hardest-working actresses in South Korea. During her short lifetime, she was featured in many excellent TV shows and movies, including Phoenix, Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War and the Scarlet Letter. She also played the mistress of main actor in the movie the Scarlet Letter and performed in numerous sex scenes in the move.
![韩国女优名字 韩国十大美女女优排行榜](https://imgs.tuj8.net/upload/2022/2022091922/198032100.jpg)
![韩国女优名字 韩国十大美女女优排行榜](https://imgs.tuj8.net/upload/2022/2022091922/198042100.jpg)
Lee Eun-ju (1980-2005) was known as one of the hardest-working actresses in South Korea. During her short lifetime, she was featured in many excellent TV shows and movies, including Phoenix, Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War and the Scarlet Letter. She also played the mistress of main actor in the movie the Scarlet Letter and performed in numerous sex scenes in the move.