图片标签: 发布:2023-05-10 .... 来源:www.tuj8.co
周末我们曾报道过远在北美的LMQ战队近况(LMQ欲解雇美女经理 当事人被蒙在鼓里?),这支中国战队的俱乐部管理层似乎出现了变数,当事人以及教练当时表示对于解雇并不知情,但就在官方声明出现不久后,LMQ教练发文表示了自己不会被辞退,并且会继续留在LMQ任职。与教练的处境不同的是,美女经理Sharon将会被辞退,当事人在今天(28日)下午时分发布了一篇长推特讲述与LMQ俱乐部的一些事,小编在这里也对内容进行一下筛选整合,原文将附在翻页。
Team LMQ came to Los Angeles in December of 2013, and the whole operations was funded by a man with the alias of "Tian Ci", who I've never met. I was approached by Eno Li
LMQ俱乐部在2013年12月来到LA,但是为俱乐部提供资金的人"天赐"我从来没有接触过,跟我对接的是Eno Li。
I took care of everything on the team: buying food, scheduling scrims, grocery shopping, haircuts, translating, paying bills and many other things you need to do to manage a team of young players who cannot speak English. After being with the team for a while, I felt like a big sister to the players......and when we made it to the LCS, it was all worth it.

The LMQ Hardships
It is important to note that up to this day I have never received any money from Team LMQ. Tian Ci has never employed me nor have I ever been compensated for my work.
Again, the whole LMQ project was founded on the idea that we wanted the players to enjoy the game in a much more healthier environment than the one in China, where everything (here in NA) would be supervised directly by Riot so issues like Royal Club's Mid laner Wh1t3zZ not receiving his S3 Worlds prize money wouldn't happen to LMQ players.
整个LMQ计划都是基于 我们想要让队员们在比国内更加健康的环境中享受游戏 的初衷。北美LCS的所有运作都是直接受Riot官方监督的,所以像国内皇族中单Wh1t3zZ没有拿到S3亚军奖金的事情不会发生在LMQ队员的身上。
Team LMQ came to Los Angeles in December of 2013, and the whole operations was funded by a man with the alias of "Tian Ci", who I've never met. I was approached by Eno Li
LMQ俱乐部在2013年12月来到LA,但是为俱乐部提供资金的人"天赐"我从来没有接触过,跟我对接的是Eno Li。
I took care of everything on the team: buying food, scheduling scrims, grocery shopping, haircuts, translating, paying bills and many other things you need to do to manage a team of young players who cannot speak English. After being with the team for a while, I felt like a big sister to the players......and when we made it to the LCS, it was all worth it.

The LMQ Hardships
It is important to note that up to this day I have never received any money from Team LMQ. Tian Ci has never employed me nor have I ever been compensated for my work.
Again, the whole LMQ project was founded on the idea that we wanted the players to enjoy the game in a much more healthier environment than the one in China, where everything (here in NA) would be supervised directly by Riot so issues like Royal Club's Mid laner Wh1t3zZ not receiving his S3 Worlds prize money wouldn't happen to LMQ players.
整个LMQ计划都是基于 我们想要让队员们在比国内更加健康的环境中享受游戏 的初衷。北美LCS的所有运作都是直接受Riot官方监督的,所以像国内皇族中单Wh1t3zZ没有拿到S3亚军奖金的事情不会发生在LMQ队员的身上。