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图片标签:  发布:2022-09-17  ....    来源:www.tuj8.co
Ecological philosophy, aesthetics, and literature are closely related with each other. Here is a new way to recognize the ecological literature and aesthetics from the ancient Chinese poems.
中国文化的核心是“天人合一”与“道法自然”。崇尚自然,顺应自然,尊重天然,这是中共十八大提出的建设生态文明的基本理念,也是中共中央十八大修改《党章》的基本内容。问题在于,尊重自然、顺应自然,这个思想出自道家,也是中国传统文化的基本精神,也是中国古典文学和古典美学的根本精神,也是中国古代哲学的基本主张和根本宗旨。以下略举数则范例说明:China"s traditional cultural values and national identity is the “Integration of Human and Nature”. Following the natural rules, which originates from Dao algorism, is not only the basic idea promoted at the National 18th Meeting, but also the spirit of Chinese culture, ancient literature and aesthetics, as well as China antient philosophy.